03206 – Remembering Ali

I’ll tell you how I would like to be remembered: As a black man who won the heavyweight title - Who was humorous and never looked down on those who looked up to him – A man who stood for freedom, justice and equality – And I wouldn’t even mind if folks forgot how...

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03136 – Be Kind to Somebody Today

I work in a decent sized, local, indie bookstore. It’s a great job 99% of the time and a lot of our customers are pretty neat people. Any who, middle of the day this little old lady comes up. She’s lovably kooky. She effuses how much she loves the store and how she...

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03008 – Sending Help

A man stands before God, his heart breaking from the pain and injustice in the world. "Dear God," he cries, "look at all the suffering, the anguish, and distress in your world. Why don't you send help?" God responds, "I did send help. I sent you."

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02378 – I Rise Today

I rise today with the power of God to guide me,the might of God to uphold me,the wisdom of God to teach me,the eye of God to watch over me,the ear of God to hear me,the word of God to give me speech,the hand of God to protect me,the path of God to lie before me,the...

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