Do not be too quick to condemnthe man who no longer believes in God:for it is perhapsyour own coldnessand avariceand mediocrityand materialismand selfishnessthat have chilled his faith.----------------------------------------------Gender-inclusive version: Do not be...
00836 – Musical Legalism vs. Musical Lawlessness
The acceptance of the fact that Christian existence is based on and permeated with God’s forgiveness in Christ through the Holy Spirit strikes simultaneous deathblows to attitudes which can be described as musical legalism and musical lawlessness. Musical legalism can...
00835 – How Shall Musicians Image God?
We image God in the music we make and perform. When the program is hit-or-miss, we show forth a God who lacks purpose and direction;…when our performance of music lacks vitality or artistic grace, we portray God as inert; when our musical choices revolve around taste...
00238 – Cross: Test & Destiny for Christians
There is no genuine Christianity where the sign of the Cross is absent. Cheap grace is grace without the Cross, an intellectual assent to a dusty pawnshop of doctrinal beliefs while drifting aimlessly with the cultural values of the secular city. Discipleship without...