I dislike your speaking of yourselves as though you were the only [ones] who know and taught the Gospel; ...But what I most dislike is your littleness of love...your want [lack] of union...your want of meekness, gentleness, long suffering; your impatience of...
03727 – By Any Means Necessary?
Gentleness is a fruit of the Spirit. Meekness is a teaching of Jesus. Humility is the way God became human. Beware of any Christian movement that advocates otherwise, especially in the political sphere. It is simply trying to justify its own power by any means...
02067 – Americanized Christian Values
The values, priorities, and character traits Jesus calls for in what's known as The Sermon on the Mount don't align well with much of what drives Americanized Christianity today. Merciful? Pure in heart? A thirst for righteousness? Hardly. Peacemakers? Willing to...
00226 – Meek is Not Weak
“The meek are partakers of the divine blessing…for they shall inherit the land.” In English, the word “meek” has come to be about the same as “weak” or “harmless” or “spiritless.” It is thought that a meek person is something of a doormat upon which others wipe their...