Only good people feel guilty. Evil people rarely feel guilty. Only morally sensitive people struggle with the gap between who they are and who they know they ought to be.
04059 – Arc Benders
Stop trusting that the arc of the moral universe will simply bend toward justice--and decide to be arc benders.
03921 – Superior Science vs. Inferior Morals
As our own species is in the process of proving, one cannot have superior science and inferior morals. The combination is unstable and self-destroying.
03882 – The Ultimate Test
The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world it leaves to its children.
03790 – Biblical Stories are Descriptive
Most biblical stories are descriptive, not prescriptive. They show what it looks like to wrestle with trying to live a moral life—recording success and failure. But here's the thing: That makes the Bible more holy, not less. Treating spiritual texts like a recipe book...
03541 – Key to Relationship with God
I think good preachers should be like bad kids. They ought to be naughty enough to tiptoe up on dozing congregations, steal their bottles of religion pills, spirituality pills, and morality pills, and flush them all down the drain. The church, by and large, has...
03260 – Continuing Down this Path…
If we continue down this path of anthropomorphizing corporations and dehumanizing people, if we continue to look at the financial cost of helping people rather than the moral cost of not helping them, we will find ourselves living in a society increasingly devoid of...
03199 – Moral Leadership
Great moral leaders can transcend faith traditions. from Moral Leadership for a Divided Age
03138 – Derogation of Duty
High moral and ethical standards are essential, and they don't change from one job to another, or from one level of authority to another. Honesty, truthfulness, integrity, unselfishness--these are always there. And whenever a leader violates these basic principles,...
02886 – Moral Imagination
We should acknowledge that moral imagination can rise above one’s culture but never transcend it completely. And we should honor the choice to be the one who does not wait for others but stands in the breach—or the choice to declare one’s own humanity in the face of a...