01943 – What is Biblical Mysticism?

Biblical mysticism is the attempt to exit "this world" to an alternative reality that pervades the old order. Its goal is to jettison the mind-set that says "greed is good," "selfishness is normal," and "killing is necessary." Mysticism in biblical terms is not...

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00937 – Healing Prayer

Healing prayer is part of the normal Christian life. It should not be elevated above any other ministry in the community of faith, nor should it be undervalued; rather it should be kept in proper balance. It is simply a normal aspect of what it means to live under the...

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00640 – But Now He was Dead

For at least some of the followers of Jesus, maybe the worst day was the third one, Sunday, which for the Jews was like our Monday, with everything around them returning so completely to normal that it was impossible to believe that either his life or his death was...

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00614 – This is Our Now Normal

We’ve got a deep-seated desire for things to go back to normal, the way we were used to. But this is our NOW normal. For now. And then, there will be another normal. There is no “the new normal”... Because that’s definitive. There’s simply the normal of NOW. Our new...

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