04109 – Obey Men or Obey God?

If religious patriarchy was true, the angel of the Lord would have spoken first to Manoah about the miraculous conception of Samson. Instead, he spoke to Manoah’s wife—a woman—alone (Judges 13:2-24). If religious patriarchy was true, the angel Gabriel would have...

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03707 – We Christians…

We Christians paint such a fragile picture of Jesus when we act as though his will is somehow threatened by every political and cultural shift. We Christians paint such a codependent picture of Jesus when we act as though he needs a political party, a president, and a...

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03665 – Critiquing Christianity

Jesus laying down his life out of love for the world rather than using all cosmic and political power to force the world to obey him is the eternal critique of any form of Christianity that seeks to secure power in order to ensure that others conform to its will.

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03037 – Love Your Enemy

And God said, "Love your enemy," and I obeyed Him and loved myself.-----------------------------------------Gender-neutral version: And God said, "Love your enemy," and I obeyed God and loved myself.

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02841 – Repentance

REPENTANCE is not seen in tears; it is not seen in words; it is not seen in emotion. Repentance is long, slow, consistent change over an extended period of time because it is from the heart outward. Heart change is supernatural work.... REPENTANCE of habituated sin is...

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