02755 – Resurrection: Not a Single Event

The Resurrection is not a single event, but a loosening of God’s power and light into the earth and into history that continues to alter all things, infusing them with the grace and power of God’s own holiness. It is as though a door was opened, and what poured out...

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02752 – Waymaker

You are the God who makes a way when there is no way. Free us from our anxious intransigence and our impoverished imaginations. Open us to your newness, the gospel gift given over and over and over again. Amen. from Devotions for Lent: A Way Other Than Our Own

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02654 – There is Something More

You may have been reminded of another popular book while reflecting on the vision of God's open-ended, creative, and lively adventure and on your own role as a partner with God in healing the world. Many persons have found a greater sense of meaning through reading...

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01776 – A New Friendship

Many new friends have come into my life...Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, New Agers, and others—including lots of atheists and agnostics, too. One of the most dramatic of those friendships began in the aftermath of 9/11/2001. Like a lot of churches, our little...

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