03706 – Opinion May Not Count

The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them knows anything about the subject.-----------------------------------------------Gender-neutral version: The opinion of 10,000 people is of no value if none of them knows anything about the subject.

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03030 – Failure of Evangelicalism

Among the worst failures of evangelicalism has been the damage done to people’s opinions about Jesus himself. Evangelical leaders wanted to be understood as speaking for Jesus, and unfortunately, many have accepted that claim and therefore rejected both them and their...

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02946 – Love Others!

Of all the things Satan could've used to destroy Christ, he decided to tempt Jesus with the Bible. In the same way, Satan will attack Christianity by tricking people into believing they're "being biblical" when in reality they aren't being Christlike at all. To be...

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02934 –

Holding strong opinions in the face of weak evidence is a sign that you're not thinking critically. Conviction should follow the facts, not precede them. What you want to believe shouldn't dictate what you believe. A key to lifelong learning is valuing curiosity over...

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