01027 – Revolutionary Love

“Love” is more than a feeling. Love is a form of sweet labor: fierce, bloody, imperfect, and life-giving—a choice we make over and over again. If love is sweet labor, love can be taught, modeled, and practiced. This labor engages all our emotions. Joy is the gift of...

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00291 – Stand Aside

In order that the spirit may reflect the pure light of God alone, the ego must get out of the way. The light of God must not be reflected in the spirit after having been filtered through the ego, but must reach the spirit directly. This means a new orientation of the...

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00257 – Family? Or God’s Kingdom?

The context for much of what Jesus said about the family was his vision of the coming crisis of God’s reign which would turn ordinary life on its head. He perceived the coming of the kingdom to be a revolutionary event; the family could no longer provide true security...

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