In the theater, the play is staged before an audience who are called theatergoers; but at the devotional address, God himself is present. In the most earnest sense, God is the critical theatergoer, who looks on to see how the lines are spoken and how they are listened...
00755 – We Serve That which we Worship
Most middle-class Americans tend to: worship their work; work at their play; and play at their worship. That which we worship, we serve, and that which we serve we will give our all—heart, soul, mind and body. from Work, Play, and Worship in a Leisure-Oriented...
00710 – ORDER of Worship
A visitor gave his impressions of certain worship services carelessly conducted: "People who would hiss a play which was so ill-planned that the order of the acts and scenes was of no importance or would throw into a wastebasket a novel which was so utterly without...
00272 – Listening to God’s Voice
Prayer is first and foremost the active presence of the Holy Spirit in our personal and communal lives. Through the disciplines of solitude and community we try to remove—slowly, gently, yet persistently—the many obstacles which prevent us from listening to God’s...
00191 – Stuff In, Stuff Out
I spent the first 2/3 of my life acquiring stuff that doesn’t matter only so that I can spend my last 1/3 getting rid of it. What a stupid game of consumerism we Americans play.
00010 – Playing an Instrument
There’s nothing remarkable about it. All one has to do is hit the right keys at the right time and the instrument plays itself.