Have you ever thought about this? In 100 years like in 2123 we will all be buried with our relatives and friends. Strangers will live in our homes we fought so hard to build, and they will own everything we have today. All our possessions will be unknown and unborn,...
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03232 – Reminders
Every day, I am reminded… 1. Dismissing is easier than listening. 2. Judging is easier than seeking to understand. 3. Concluding is easier than patiently remaining open. 4. Stereotyping is easier than seeing. 5. Profiling is easier than curiously engaging. 6. Other...
02562 – Hang Your Kids’ Photos Instead
I do not want my pictures in your offices, or the President is not an icon, an idol, or a portrait. Hang your kids' photos instead, and look at them each time you are making a decision.
02167 – Holding onto Hope Despite Disappointment
Reflecting...has led me to think that hope and disappointment are part of the same faith perspective. Without hope rooted in a vision of possibility, there would not be the experience of disappointment. As the saying goes, “Expect little, and you will be much less...