Great moral leaders dare humanity to look beyond current possibilities. Moral leaders, regardless of their faith, channel an eschatological hope—a dream of what might be. The great leaders take ideas that society considers radical, naïve, outlandish, or a threat and...
03020 – Cross That Bridge!
Until you cross the bridge of your insecurities, you can't begin to explore your possibilities.
02167 – Holding onto Hope Despite Disappointment
Reflecting...has led me to think that hope and disappointment are part of the same faith perspective. Without hope rooted in a vision of possibility, there would not be the experience of disappointment. As the saying goes, “Expect little, and you will be much less...
01987 – I See More Clearly Now
I see more clearly, now that I am aging. Not with my eyesight, but with my soul. I see the fine detail of what I missed in younger years. I see the place of faith and forgiveness in my story. I see the possibilities of life in ways I never imagined. I was not blind in...
01976 – Miracle is All Around Us
Faith does not spring out of nothing.It comes with the discoveryof the holy dimension of our existence.Suddenly we become aware that our lips touchthe veil that hangs before the Holy of Holies.Our faith is lit up for a timewith the light from behind the veil.Faith...
01429 – Joining God’s Holy Adventure
While an adventurous spirituality does not claim to provide scientific data that proves God's ever-transforming power throughout the universe, the vision of God's holy adventure boldly asserts that God is continually working in our personal, planetary, and cosmic...
01240 – The Spiritual Effects of Clinging
One year I decided to plant English ivy as a border around my flower garden. I dipped the small vines in some pH-balanced enzyme powder and planted them around the flowers. Some weeks later the ivy had grown into a small jungle, clinging around the flower stems and...
00506 – Choose New Life
The sad things that happened long ago will always remain part of who we are, just as the glad and gracious things will, too, but instead of being a burden of guilt, recrimination, and regret that make us constantly stumble as we go, even the saddest things can become,...
00167 – The Second Half of Life
The second half of life presents a rich possibility for spiritual enlargement, for we are never going to have greater powers of choice, never have more lessons of history from which to learn, and never possess more emotional resilience, more insight into what works...
00134 – Embrace the Present
You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith, and hope.