01350 – You are Risen!

You are risen in power and wonder;You are risen out of the shambles of death and terror and doubt and fear;You are risen to turn the world to peace and justice and freedom and well-being;You are risen with healing wings to cure our diseased hurts and our public...

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01294 – Gentleness: Strength Wrapped in Peace

Gentleness is not weakness. Just the opposite. Preserving a gentle spirit in a heartless world takes extraordinary courage, determination, and resilience. Do not underestimate the power of gentleness because gentleness is strength wrapped in peace, and therein lies...

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00556 – Pentecost Spirit

To those in the church today who regard the Spirit as an exotic phenomenon of mainly interior and purely personal significance, the story of the Spirit’s descent at Pentecost offers a rebuke. Luke goes to great pains to insist that this outpouring of the Spirit is...

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00048 – God Is God

It helps me to remember that Jesus prayed for a miracle on the night before He died. “For you all things are possible,” he prayed to his Abba. “Remove this cup from me.” Only when he opened his eyes the cup was still there. Did he lack faith? I do not think so. The...

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