01555 – God Came to Live with Us

When we celebrate Christmas we are celebrating that amazing time when the Word that shouted all the the galaxies into being, limited all power, and for love of us came to us in the powerless body of a human baby. My faith is based on this incredible act of love, and...

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01424 – Jesus Always Went where the Pain Was

There is no side to take in the Twelve Step Program! It is not a worthiness contest. There is only an absolutely necessary starting point! The experience of "powerlessness" is where we all must begin. And Alcoholics Anonymous (A. A.) is honest and humble enough to...

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01270 – Did God Suffer?

Years earlier I had read some writings of Jurgen Moltmann, a German theologian who argued that God "experiences" our sufferings and grieves with us. Our soul is so connected with God, he said, that it's impossible for the Divine Being not to share our aguish. Now...

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