01218 – Advent Preparations

Advent is not the kind of "preparation" that involves shopping and parties and cards. Such illusions of abundance disguise the true cravings of our weary souls. Advent is preparation for the demands of newness that will break the tired patterns of fear in our lives....

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00728 – Reading of Scripture During Worship

We may take the task of reading the Scriptures and attending to the reading of Scriptures in worship lightly, failing to discern what God is up to with us in that effort. A faithful, that is, a full-of-faith rendering of the Scriptural word in terms of both denotation...

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00573 – Learning to Wait on God’s Timing

Our sense of urgency is balanced by the requirement to wait—to wait on the timing of God, which we can neither predict nor force. And the poor of the world have much to teach us about waiting—waiting with hope, purpose, and active preparation for change; waiting...

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00426 – Faith Meeting the Road of Life

For some people religion is attending weekly services. And in preparation for those services, they dress the part, do and say the right things. That’s good, for the hours they are in service. But it’s actually after a person leaves the meeting house that the rubber of...

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00045 – Practicing Dying

When I was a medical school professor, I invited my students to view their own experiences of sickness and medical care as a way to empathize with their patients’ experiences. Like them, we can prepare for our dying by “practicing” dying in response to situations of...

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