If you knew how quickly people would forget about you after your death, you will not seek in your life to please anyone but God. (circa 387)
03337 – Walked Lately?
I don't walk quickly, but I don't walk backwards.
03232 – Reminders
Every day, I am reminded… 1. Dismissing is easier than listening. 2. Judging is easier than seeking to understand. 3. Concluding is easier than patiently remaining open. 4. Stereotyping is easier than seeing. 5. Profiling is easier than curiously engaging. 6. Other...
02943 – Wake-Up Calls
The universe is not short on wake-up calls. We’re just quick to hit the snooze button. from The Gifts of Imperfection
02696 – When You Make a Mistake
Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations.
02534 – Want to Succeed?
To succeed, jump as quickly at opportunities as you do conclusions.
02217 – The Best Ideas Come from…
Don't confuse being a fast talker with being a deep thinker. Speaking quickly signals confidence, not complexity. Don't mistake volume for expertise. Speaking loudly reflects conviction, not credibility. Sometimes the best ideas come from the least assertive voice in...
02095 – No Quick Condemnation
Do not be too quick to condemnthe man who no longer believes in God:for it is perhapsyour own coldnessand avariceand mediocrityand materialismand selfishnessthat have chilled his faith.----------------------------------------------Gender-inclusive version: Do not be...