03806 – Chaos is…

Chaos is impatient. It's random. And above all it's selfish. It tears down everything just for the sake of change, feeding on itself in constant hunger. But chaos can also be appealing. It tempts you to believe that nothing matters except what you want. from The...

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02247 – Continuing in Atheism?

To continue in atheism I would need to believe that nothing produces everything, non-life produces life, randomness produces fine-tuning, chaos produces information, unconsciousness produces consciousness, and non-reason produces reason. I simply don't have that much...

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00319 – What Do We Want for Christmas?

I wonder, if we were to stop people at random in the street on December 24 and ask them what they want most for Christmas, how many would say, “I want to see Jesus”? I believe that the single most important consideration during the sacred season of Advent is intensity...

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