01703 – Persuasion is Required

At such a moment, hesitancy in speaking out faithfully on behalf of the good news of Jesus is inexcusable. There are...issues thrown at Christians today, and the world is both owed an answer and is actually waiting for the answer that only the church can give—even if...

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01333 – Dawn: An Awakening in Love

The dawn is an awakening to a deepening realization of who we really are in and with God and the world, and of what has been going on within us in the night. Always, and most important, the dawn is an awakening in love. Contemplatives of all traditions agree on one...

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00254 – God Who Cares

Frequently when they attacked me for being involved in politics, I used to say, I wish I knew which Bible they were reading! Because the Bible I read was quite clear: God revealed God to the children of Israel, not in a sanctuary, but by carrying out a political...

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00004 – Power and Love

What is needed is a realization that power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against...

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