03897 – Humility Is…

Humility is taking time to form an opinion in a reactionary world. Humility is being committed to discovering nuance and complexity even when everyone else is dealing in absolutes. Humility is refusing to reduce another person's humanity simply because you disagree...

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03807 – Love as Jesus Loves

Christ's greatest commandment wasn't "convert your neighbor." It was "love your neighbor." If love becomes conditional... If love is reduced to an evangelistic tool... If love becomes just another way of making people be just like us... We've deeply misunderstood the...

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03618 – “The Bible is VERY Clear!”

"The Bible is VERY clear!" What's meant by this phrase: I have reduced the Word of God exclusively to my own particular interpretation of an English translation of the Bible and I'm so certain that I have nothing more to learn about it that I can now use it as a...

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01863 – Our Harmonious Universe

If we had a microscope powerful enough, we could see that electrons, quarks, neutrinos, etc. are nothing but vibrations on minuscule loops resembling rubber bands. If we pluck the rubber band enough times and in different ways, we eventually create all the known...

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