Jesus lived by moral commands which he believed came from God and yet he never lost sight of the big picture--the reign of God, the deliverance of the oppressed, the priorities of justice, mercy, and love.
02994 – It is a Crime
And is it not obvious that, just as it is a crime to disturb the peace when truth reigns, it is also a crime to remain at peace when the truth is being destroyed.
00292 – Soul-less Humanity
There was a common saying in Germany just before the Nazi reign. “The human body contains a sufficient amount of fat to make seven cakes of soap, enough iron to make a medium-sized nail, a sufficient amount of phosphorous for two thousand match-heads, enough sulfur to...
00277 – Justice: The Foundation of Peace
In common English usage, “peace” means the avoidance or absence of conflict. It indicates the lack of something: war or lesser forms of overt violence. In Scripture, on the other hand, shalom indicates the active presence of multiple dynamics: well-being, harmony,...
00257 – Family? Or God’s Kingdom?
The context for much of what Jesus said about the family was his vision of the coming crisis of God’s reign which would turn ordinary life on its head. He perceived the coming of the kingdom to be a revolutionary event; the family could no longer provide true security...