03592 – Not Dead Yet!

I don't deny that there should be priests to remind men that they will one day die. I only say it is necessary to have another kind of priests, called poets, actually to remind men that they are not dead...

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03232 – Reminders

Every day, I am reminded… 1. Dismissing is easier than listening. 2. Judging is easier than seeking to understand. 3. Concluding is easier than patiently remaining open. 4. Stereotyping is easier than seeing. 5. Profiling is easier than curiously engaging. 6. Other...

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03131 – Speaking Greatness Over Someone

If someone is falling behind in life, you don't have to remind them. Believe me, they already know. If someone is unhealthy, they know. If someone is failing at work, they know. If someone is struggling in their relationships with money, with self-image... they know....

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02826 – Lord, Deliver Me

Lord, deliver me from the urge to open my mouth when I should shut it. Give me the wisdom to keep silence where silence is wise. Remind me that not everything needs to be said, and that there are very few things that need to be said by me.

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02368 – God Just Wants Us Home.

The beauty of Christian spirituality is that the God we are in relationship with is for us in Christ. Like the father in the prodigal son story, God is waiting with his eyes looking for us in the distance. He is waiting to embrace us. This image might take some...

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02096 – Life Story: An Epic Quest

I am reminded that my life is a story being told by the Great Artist, and that this journey of faith is quite an epic quest full of danger, struggle, questions, growth, beauty, joy, humor, love, and passion. from Surprised by Myth

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02019 – Have Faith!

Our challenge is to have faith--in failure, in success, in whatever life brings. The unexpected turns, the painful endings, the precarious beginnings are all part of the path of faith, where we are reminded with each step that the Resurrection did not happen only once...

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