Yearly reminder: There is no resolution that, if kept, will make you more worthy of love. You, as your actual self, and not as some made-up ideal, are already worthy.
02526 – You Are Already Worthy
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Yearly reminder: There is no resolution that, if kept, will make you more worthy of love. You, as your actual self, and not as some made-up ideal, are already worthy.
Our deepest fear is that we will be abandoned, left alone. When Christ-followers say, "God be with you" or "Peace be with you," they are speaking directly to something primal, addressing one another's fear with strong reminders of God's abiding presence.
Think of me as an old church: The floors are gone, the walls are moldy and bend with the winds and the rains, the roof allows too much light and too much migratory membership, but every once in a while, there is beautiful music, an inspiring snatch of words, and a...