Jesus's understanding of forgiveness was so radical because he did not need people to repent before he accepted them. He did not require a change in behavior before he loved, respected, and related to them. Yet, it was precisely this unconditional love and forgiveness...
03613 – True Belonging
True belonging doesn't require us to change who we are; it requires us to be who we are.
03526 – Loving Your Enemies
Loving your enemies has the deep spiritual benefit of enabling us to set our own course in life rather than constantly being in a posture of angry response to what other people do. There is freedom along this route, but it requires considerable internal strength and...
03510 – Two Types of Tired
There are two types of tired: one that requires rest and one that requires peace.
03200 – Step into the Flow
Through Jesus Christ, we are invited into the flow of God's energy running through this universe. Moving into that good current doesn't require us to work harder, serve more, or first get our stuff together. Stepping into this current simply requires surrender -...
03055 – Truth Requires Change
You can give a person knowledge, but you can't make them think. Some people want to remain fools, only because the truth requires change.
02956 – Mudslinging?
When others sling mud, take the high road. A difference of opinion doesn't require a retaliatory strike. Social media mudwrestling produces losers, not winners.
02876 – Listening: An Art
Listening is an art that requires attention over talent, spirit over ego, others over self.
02819 – Your “Yes” Requires Your “No”
Your "yes" to God requires your "no" to all injustice, to all evil, to all lies, to all oppression and violation of the weak and poor.
02676 – More about Being than Doing
As Christ's ambassadors we are called to embody the values and character of the one who sent us. We are to be the tangible demonstration of the love, character, and truth of Christ as we live out our faith in a very public way. Living out your faith doesn't require...