04166 – Now is the Time!

Remember all those Sunday School lessons, Vacation Bible Schools, retreats, mission trips, and worship services? Their purpose was to help shape and mature us as Christ followers so that now we can demonstrate what it looks like to be people of peace, grace, love, and...

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02888 – What Mature Christ Followers Do

Remember all those Sunday school lessons, Vacation Bible Schools, retreats, mission trips, and worship services? Their purpose was to help shape and mature us as Christ followers so that now we can demonstrate what it looks like to be people of peace, grace, love, and...

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01233 – Risk: A Journey into the Unknown

"To live without risk is to risk not living," my paternal grandmother used to say. The way of trust is risky business, no doubt about it. To change careers suddenly because one feels fulfilled, to assume the energy-depleting care of elderly parents, to retreat for...

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