The day will come...when people will once more be called to speak the word of God in such a way that the world is changed and renewed. It will be in a new language, perhaps quite nonreligious language, but liberating and redeeming like Jesus's language, so that people...
02494 – The Cruelty of the “Righteous”
There is no deeper pathos in the spiritual life of man than the cruelty of the "righteous" people. If any one idea dominates the teachings of Jesus, it is his opposition to the self-righteousness of the "righteous."-----------------------------Gender-inclusive...
02357 – Extraordinary Love
The identifying characteristic which sets apart Jesus' genuine followers from the rest of the world is not wisdom, nor right theology, nor moral righteousness, nor social power; it is extraordinary love.
02261 – Hail Mary, Full of GRACE
When we think about the Annunciation, this scene between the angel Gabriel and Mary, we think of the faith it took for her to believe that she would conceive by the power of the Holy Spirit and that her son, the illegitimate child of an insignificant girl, really...
01829 – Life is a Process
This life, therefore, is not righteousness but growth in righteousness: not health, but healing; not being, but becoming; not rest, but exercise. We are not yet what we shall be, but we are growing toward it. The process is not yet finished, but it is continuing. This...
01728 – The Human Dilemma
The human dilemma is this: God is holy, and we are not. God is righteous, and we are not.