Too few people ever truly fall in love, which makes me sad. I think it could be because they are forever looking for the perfect partner who will finally rescue them and make them happy. They don't realize that no one can "make you" happy. A person can wait their...
00569 – Saying Yes to Everyone
When you seek to affirm your unity by denying that you have anything to do with anyone else, by negating everyone else in the universe until you come down to you: what is there left to affirm? Even if there were something to affirm, you would have no breath left with...
00524 – Say Yes to God
The only response that will bring health and wholeness in our lives is to say yes to the Father and then live it out. God will not force us into his will. If we resist and defy him, we will have our way. But he gives us every opportunity to open our heart and say yes...
00333 – Mary Said Yes!
There is also a legend that Mary was not the first young woman to whom the angel came. But she was the first one to say yes. And how unsurprising it would be for a fourteen-year-old girl to refuse the angel. To be disbelieving. Or to say: “Are you sure you mean—but...