00313 – Advent: “In-Between Times”

Advent is not a season that is very popular… Once Thanksgiving is over…we want to push this in-between time of stillness aside and move on to Christmas. We are eager to begin putting up decorations and singing Christmas carols, to go shopping and plan parties—in...

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00312 – Advent

The weeks of November and early December are often experienced as a peculiarly flat time. The reds and golds of autumn have faded into brown, and the sky…has gone gray. The days grow shorter and colder, but still winter has not quite come. It is a time of waiting. It...

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00311 – Advent: Season of Waiting

Seasons of waiting are seasons of contemplation—of quietness and resting in God, of letting go, of self-yielding. They are times when we watch and listen with the eyes and ears of our heart. Advent, more than any other liturgical season, is about this kind of...

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