Racialization is assimilation, which is not to be confused with self- actualization. Being beige, that is mixed race, black, brown, red, yellow or white is not something to aspire to. It’s not something that we are hardwired to do. We are not born with it. We are told...
03349 – Be the Reason…
Be the reason someone feels welcomed, seen, heard, valued, loved, and supported.
03268 – Wonderful Day!
This is a wonderful day; I have never seen this one before.
02960 – How Many People?
I wonder how many people I've looked at all my life and never seen.
02841 – Repentance
REPENTANCE is not seen in tears; it is not seen in words; it is not seen in emotion. Repentance is long, slow, consistent change over an extended period of time because it is from the heart outward. Heart change is supernatural work.... REPENTANCE of habituated sin is...
02553 – Eyes that See
There are things that can be seen only with eyes that have cried.
02440 – Insane?
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.
02256 – God with Us…Always
Immanuel means ‘God with us.’ And not in the sense that God just showed up or arrived on the scene. A thousand times no. In spite of the fact it changed everything, the birth of Jesus didn’t technically create a new reality for God or us; rather, it was simply and...
02110 – Pay Attention. Be Ready.
I am a pastor. My work has to do with God and souls--intense mysteries that no one has ever seen at any time....I don't want to end up a bureaucrat in the time-management business for God or a librarian cataloguing timeless truths. Salvation is kicking in the womb of...
01990 – Beautiful vs. Ugly
I have seen beauty in people who were called ugly and I've seen the devil in the most angelic faces.