Jesus didn’t come to earth to Subjugate Dominate Manipulate Segregate Control Neither should those that follow Jesus. He came to set free (and not just spiritually).
03086 – The Standard of “Biblical Manhood”
The church tends to hold up a standard of “biblical manhood” that simultaneously emasculates men (you are helpless to control your sexual urges) and beastifies them (you must RULE your marriage and family and keep them under control). Neither approach reflects...
03029 – Faith, Trust, and Love
The word faith is often understood as accepting something you can’t understand. People often say: “Such and such can’t be explained, you simply have to believe it.” However, when Jesus talks about faith, he means first of all to trust unreservedly that you are loved,...
02738 – Picking and Choosing
For those who count the Bible as sacred, interpretation is not a matter of WHETHER to pick and choose, but HOW to pick and choose. ...So the question we have to ask ourselves is this: are we reading with the prejudice of love, with Christ as our model, or are we...
02303 – This Has Set Me Free
I know two things now that I didn’t at 30: That when we get to heaven, we will discover that the appearance of our butts and our skin was 127th on the list of what mattered on this earth. And that I am not going to live forever. Knowing these things has set me free.
01634 – Prone to Love
Jesus was never "prone to wander" or "prone to leave the God he loved." He came to earth to settle that issue once and for all. He came to set us free, that we too might be transformed from "prone to wander" to "prone to love."
00015 – Mature Religion Involves Change
Mature religion involves changing ourselves and letting ourselves be changed by a mysterious encounter with grace, mercy, and forgiveness. This is the truth that will set us free (John 8:32). Yet much of our history has involved trying to change other people--with our...