04283 – Christendom & Power

Christendom adjusts itself far too easily to the worship of power. Christians should give more offense, shock the world more than they are doing now. Christians should take a stronger stand in favor of the weak rather than considering first the possible right of the...

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04199 – True of Our Churches?

Dark and terrible as is this picture, I hold it to be strictly true of the overwhelming mass of professed Christians in America. They strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. Could anything be more true of our churches? They would be shocked at the proposition of...

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03136 – Be Kind to Somebody Today

I work in a decent sized, local, indie bookstore. It’s a great job 99% of the time and a lot of our customers are pretty neat people. Any who, middle of the day this little old lady comes up. She’s lovably kooky. She effuses how much she loves the store and how she...

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