04256 – Stop Making Her Sick

The Lakota shaman Black Elk once said, "We don't have to heal the Earth; she can heal herself. All we have to do is stop making her sick." To this simple truth I would add that the Earth can heal us, too.

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04229 – Justice, not Songs

Sure. We can sing to Jesus.But Jesus never asked us to do that.Jesus asked us to feed the hungry, to give them water, to welcome the stranger, to clothe them, to visit the prisoner, to care for the sick.Jesus didn't want songs.Jesus wants justice.

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03854 – Where Jesus Is

It's easier to treat Jesus as a one-way ticket to heaven as opposed to following Jesus to the margins here and now: to feed the hungryto care for the sickto forgive debtsto welcome the stranger. But that's where Jesus is.And that's the kingdom come.

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03831 – Jesus Returns Every Time…

Jesus returns every time we forgive ourselves and others, love unconditionally, extend mercy, offer compassion, act with loving-kindness, feed the hungry, protect the oppressed, heal the sick, visit the prisoner, speak truth to power, make peace, seek reconciliation,...

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03672 – Only by Dying…

IF DEATH WAS TO be truly defeated, it was only by dying himself that Jesus believed he could defeat it. If he was to reach the hearts of men, it was only by suffering his own heart to be broken on their behalf that he believed he could reach them. To heal the sick and...

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02911 – Faces of the Least of These

God is not a being separate from the human. If you do not and cannot see God in the face of the hungry, the thirsty, the homeless, the sick, and the imprisoned, then you cannot see God at all. God is not an external being; God is present in the faces of the least of...

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02732 – Love God

To love God at all, let alone in the wilderness, is like being commanded to be well when we are sick, to sing for joy when we are dying of thirst, to run when our legs are broken. But this is the first and great commandment nonetheless. Even in the wilderness -...

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02475 – “If I Had My Life to Live Over”

[Written after she found out she was dying from cancer:] If I had my life to live over: I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren’t there for the day. I would have burned the pink candle...

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02381 – Can I Choose My Neighbors?

If I could make my neighbors up, I could love them in a minute. I could make them in my own image, looking back at me with deep gratitude for how authentically human I am being to them—and they to me!—reading poetry to each other, admiring pictures of each other’s...

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02263 – Fragile God vs. Powerful God

It is quite the fragile god who needs political power to preserve and enforce their will. It is quite the powerful God who partners with peasants, is born in poverty, washes feet, heals the sick, advocates for the oppressed, is unjustly killed, and still changes the...

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