02091 – Everything Came Full Circle

I was with the national tour of "Les Miserables" and we were performing in Salt Lake City. At the time, we were doing the poster sales for Broadway Cares/ Equity Fights AIDS. If someone donated $50, they would receive a poster signed by the entire cast. After one...

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01934 – A Dignified Nobility in Humankind

There is a dignified nobility in humankindWe know it when we see itNurse tenderly caring for your loved one in the hospice house as she travels toward the great beyondPolitician choosing integrity, knowing full well he won't be elected againPastor remaining true to...

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01701 – I’m Still Here & Now I Get It

Look, the world loves us when we are good, better, best, but this is the time when you want to stop feeling guilty that you are not living your best life, now. We’re not always doing mountaintop yoga. I used to have my own delusion of living my own best life...

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01608 – Here is My Secret

Now--here is my secret: I tell it to you with an openness of heart that I doubt I shall ever achieve again so I pray that you are in a quiet room as you hear these words. My secret is that I need God--that I am sick and can no longer make it alone. I need God to help...

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01261 – Your Faith will Make You Well

Jesus calls his disciples, giving us authority to heal and sending us out. He doesn't show us how to reliably...make a blind man see, dry every tear, or even drive out all kinds of demons. But he shows us how to enter into a way of life in which the broken and sick...

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00932 – Sometimes God Says No

Nor is it adequate in certain cases to blame God’s lack of response to our prayers on a higher will for us that, for now, requires a no. No doubt what sometimes appears to us an evil is the very explosion necessary to blast us awake to the destructiveness of our...

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00495 – God’s Love is always There

Thank God, God is more ready to forgive than to punish. Thank God, Jesus made it quite clear that he had come to be with and to help those in need. “Those who are well do not need a physician,” he said, “but those who are ill.” Jesus said those are the ones he had...

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00124 – More than One Type of Virus

In these challenging, difficult times [pandemic], we are discovering a wisdom that we needed all along, and that wisdom is that we are all connected. We are not separate. We used to think that we caught diseases as individuals: "I'm sick; you're not." But now we...

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00103 – Hell Cannot Prevail

As long as Christians are breaking the bread and pouring the wine, as long as we are anointing the sick and baptizing sinners, as long as we are preaching the Word and paying attention, the church lives, and Jesus says the gates of hell cannot prevail against it.

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