03008 – Sending Help

A man stands before God, his heart breaking from the pain and injustice in the world. "Dear God," he cries, "look at all the suffering, the anguish, and distress in your world. Why don't you send help?" God responds, "I did send help. I sent you."

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02094 – Loving the Entire World

While most of us are not yet prophets, we know the presence of a great love, a love that includes the entire world. Awakened by that love, we too are aggrieved in the face of human oppression. A voice within us calls out, “This is wrong and cannot stand.” We yearn for...

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00435 – God Laughs & Weeps with Us

The story of Jesus enables me to envision God as One who genuinely cares for each and all of us. In Jesus, God confronts the Darkness face to face, Incarnate, for our sake. Jesus is Light to the gentle face of God. The story of Jesus says that God laughs with us in...

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