When we limit our understanding of stewardship as pertaining only to money we fail to comprehend the full impact of its true power to change not only us, but the world.
01834 – Self-Care Isn’t Selfish
Self-care is never a selfish act--it is only good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer others.
00999 – Are We Stewards or Owners of What We Possess?
The basic issue for the Christian, it seems to me, is whether we believe we are stewards or owners of what we possess. A good steward receives gratefully anything his Lord gives to him. But he must account for it and use it wisely. We Christians also believe that this...
00996 – Where the Family Money is Spent
There is a couple I know who earn very good money, and yet they live simply, without any status symbols or luxuries, with money set aside for charity. It’s a trimmed-down life for them and their six children. Every month the mother gathers the six children around the...
00948 – Sharing Resources: Laying Down My Life for Others
I am also free to assume that the money I have earned is now mine. I can hoard it or use it for illicit or unscrupulous purposes or lend it at exorbitant rates. But if I take that for which I have traded my life and share it with others, I am, in a tangible way,...
00947 – Christians Get Caught in the Rat Race, Too
I am convinced that often the world doesn’t take Christians seriously because we are so much like the world: caught up in the same miserable rat race of self-seeking consumerism and materialism.
00927 – Church Musicians are Spiritual Dieticians
Music has the uncanny ability to burrow its way into our spiritual bones. When it comes to matters of spirituality and faith, we are what we sing. There is no need to overstate the case. Music is not all-powerful. Many things shape our souls, including our parents’...
00926 – The Church Musician & Stewardship
If we faithfully followed God’s example, there would no longer be the crassness and cynicism of the throwaway or the false pomp and pretense of art for the ages. Nor would the Holy Spirit be continually pestered to turn poor work into blessed work. The Christian...
00012 – Checkbooks and Theology
Our checkbooks are probably our best theological statement about our real values. Jesus said, similarly, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6: 21) in Radical Grace