02176 – The Work of a Lifetime

The giving of ourselves to Christ is not the decision of an hour or a day, it is the work of a lifetime, with a new commitment every morning and a fresh surrender every night, until death finally seals our offering and our commitment is complete.

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01653 – We All Need Hope

We all need hope. No sparkling promises or wishes. No well laid intentions or plans. Hope. Four letters. Four letters that carry the weight of our whole world and all of our life hidden in the depth of their meaning. Whether we are waiting on a check to arrive, a door...

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01578 – The Struggle is Real

Who can stay awake in this night of God? Who will not be as if paralyzed by it? Jesus' friends were protected from its terrors by a profound sleep. Luke, the doctor, and other witnesses speak of a "bloody sweat" which fell on the ground from the wakeful, imploring...

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01278 – Surrender is Spiritual Power

Far from an act of spiritual cowardice, surrender is an act of spiritual power because it opens the heart directly to the more subtle realms of spiritual Wisdom and energy. One hands over, in the poet Dante's beautiful image, into "the love that moves the stars and...

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01243 – Surrendering to Life Just As It Is

How do we come to realize love? By surrendering to life just as it is. Gradually our eyes open. I think of a good friend who buried her young son. Years later someone asked her if she felt that he had been cheated by life because his years were few. Her response was...

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01029 – The Serenity Prayer

Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenityto accept the things I cannot change;courage to change the things I can;and wisdom to know the difference.Living one day at a time;Enjoying one moment at a time;Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;Taking, as Jesus did,...

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