Holes are created in life by death...new lives help fill them, although never in the same way. …We live surrounded by a symphony of low and high notes.
01863 – Our Harmonious Universe
If we had a microscope powerful enough, we could see that electrons, quarks, neutrinos, etc. are nothing but vibrations on minuscule loops resembling rubber bands. If we pluck the rubber band enough times and in different ways, we eventually create all the known...
00907 – Shallow Tunes & Great Symphonies
The lips know only shallow tunes. The heart is where great symphonies are born. from A Symphony in Sand
00861 – We Can Participate in Building a Great Musical Culture
One man does not make a wave. We are all carried by the flood of heroism in the human spirit. A symphony orchestra is no different. If we are fortunate in our times, we achieve a few moments of that heroism. But this is only the beginning, only the drawings on the...
00826 – Servant Musicians
Each musician must come to experience the dignity, rightness, and eventual joy of putting things aside, of emptying oneself and taking the form of a servant. Such musicians must be able to move back and forth, gracefully, servingly, and willingly, from the symphony to...
00742 – Worship or Entertainment?
Is there no real difference between worship and entertainment? I believe there is a world of difference, even though I have some inkling as to why today’s culture has confused the two… ENTERTAINMENT typically results from the WORK OF OTHERS, for my interest, pleasure,...