Most biblical stories are descriptive, not prescriptive. They show what it looks like to wrestle with trying to live a moral life—recording success and failure. But here's the thing: That makes the Bible more holy, not less. Treating spiritual texts like a recipe book...
03070 – Interpreting the Hebrew Bible
It is scandalous how Christians extract ancient texts of the Hebrew Bible, call it our Old Testament, and then interpret them without any reference to the way Jewish biblical interpretation itself has proceeded for over two millennia. from Changing Our Mind
01970 – May The Way I Live be Acceptable, O God
May the words of my mouth and...the motives in my heart,...the appointments on my calendar,...the texts on my phone,...the posts on my page,...the allocations in my portfolio,...the steps on my Fitbit,...the history on my search engine,...the books on my Kindle,...the...
01932 – Gospel: Good News of God’s Love
The gospel is the good news of God's unconditional love for each and every created thing and the command of God that justice be done for each and every created thing. God's pure, unbounded love is to be shown to each and every relationship and situation. When the...
00874 – The Emotional Power of Music
The use of music as an expression of emotion linked to theological truth is common in all churches. In the evangelical traditions where personal religious experience is emphasized, emotional expression is one of music’s most important meanings; it is probably that...
00567 – Transformation Can Happen to You!
For generations the church has been polarized between those who see the main task being the saving of souls for heaven and the nurturing of those souls through the valley of this dark world, on the one hand, and on the other hand those who see the task of improving...
00337 – Misreading the Bible?
The temptations to misread the Bible on our own behalf and to domesticate it for our own purposes are many and dangerous, and in America, devoted as we are to the Bible, we have tried them all. Bibliolatry, the worship of the Bible and the making of it an object of...
00200 – Christ: True Word of God
It is Christ Himself, not the Bible, who is the true word of God. The Bible, read in the right spirit and with the guidance of good teachers, will bring us to Him. We must not use the Bible as a sort of encyclopedia out of which texts can be taken for use as weapons.