04022 – Who Are We Looking For?

The moment we Christians start looking for an authoritarian "strongman" to lead us is the moment we stop looking for the One who leads by washing feet, who rides a donkey instead of a warhorse, and who tells his followers to put away their swords and take up their...

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03235 – The Heart of Our Faith

At the heart of our faith stand not a preoccupation with our own welfare and comfort but the concepts of service and of sacrifice as shown in the life and teachings of the one who made himself nothing, taking the very form of a servant.

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02284 – Once and for All

It’s Christmas! The problem is solved. Now go and utterly enjoy all remaining days. Not only is it “always Advent,” but, now, every day can be Christmas because the one we thought we were just waiting for has come once and for all.

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01239 – Finding God in Everything, Everywhere

If there is nowhere where you have given me a place to which we can just flee away in order to find you, and if everything can be the loss of you, the One, then I must also be able to find you in everything. Otherwise, humanity couldn't find you at all--humanity that...

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