On your best and worst days, plant good seeds. The tiny unsuspecting seed you plant today... an encouraging word, a kind deed, a listening ear ...may be the seed that hits fertile soil, gestates, and thrives beyond your expectation.
03032 – Serving Hate-Gods or God of Love?
It is easier to serve the hate-gods because they thrive on the worship of collective fanaticism. To serve the hate-gods, one only has to be blinded by collective passion. To serve the God of Love one must be free, one must face the terrible responsibility of the...
02979 – Grace & Peace: Twin Sisters
Grace and peace are twin sisters... When grace abounds, peace thrives. Where grace is stunted, peace shrivels.
02791 – My Mission in Life
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.
01708 – Hate is as All-Absorbing as Love
Hate is as all-absorbing as love, as irrational, and in its own way as satisfying. As lovers thrive on the presence of the beloved, haters revel in encounters with the one they hate. They confirm him in all his darkest suspicions. They add fuel to all his most burning...
00595 – Becoming Aware of the Spirit Within Us
The Holy Spirit as the awe-inspiring power of life and of love is a reality with which every human being is familiar, whatever name we give to it. Spirit is the very aliveness of our life. This holds true for every one of us. We differ only by the degree to which we...