I am so tired of waiting. Aren't you, for the world to become good and beautiful and kind? Let us take a knife and cut the world in two - and see what worms are eating at the rind.
03888 – Becoming More Like Yourself
As life goes on it becomes tiring to keep up the character you invented for yourself, and so you relapse into individuality and become more like yourself every day.
03567 – If I Go…
Right now, there are people literally considering leaving their homes to gather with others for worship, wondering: -If I go, can I stand or sit in that area of the sanctuary where we sat together for 18 years before his passing without sobbing so loud I'll distract...
03512 – Tame God vs. Wild God
I, too, am tired of the tame God and boxed-in-Christ, distorted by control-seeking humans who use religion to maintain the status quo. I'm yearning for a wild God that compels me to full participation in this miraculous dance of life, deepening the meaning in a core...
03510 – Two Types of Tired
There are two types of tired: one that requires rest and one that requires peace.
03392 – Tiring of Music?
Music to me is like breathing--I don't get tired of breathing; I don't get tired of music.
03371 – More Tired than We Know
Most of us are more tired than we know at the soul level. We are teetering on the brink of dangerous exhaustion, and we cannot do anything else until we have gotten some rest...we can't really engage until solitude becomes a place of rest for us rather than another...
02844 – On Aging
Aging is like climbing a mountain. The higher you get, the more tired you become, but your view becomes much more extensive.
02519 – Lighten Your Load!
Three of the heaviest elements in the universe are guilt, worry, and fear. Lugging them around will zap our energy and drain our morale, leaving us physically tired and spiritually weary. Lighten your load! It's a good first step in caring for your soul.
02492 – Tired of Giving In
I had no idea that history was being made. I was just tired of giving in. from Quiet Strength