Words that oppress us are always accessible, force- fed or spoon-fed and now on the tip of our tongues. These tiny tools are used in the construction of consciousness. There will always be linguistic support for what is, for hand-me-down existences. We will need to...
03151 – Theology and the Thief on the Cross
How does the thief on the cross fit into your theology? No baptism, no communion, no confirmation, no speaking in tongues, no mission trip, no volunteerism, and no church clothes. He couldn't even bend his knees to pray. He didn't say the sinner's prayer and among...
02963 – It Might Have Been
Of all sad wordsof tongue or pen,the saddest are these,"It might have been."
02587 – Songs in Our Souls
There are more songs in our souls than the tongue is able to utter.
02210 – Using Gender-Inclusive Language
As the father of two girls (now also grandfather of three), I have cringed listening to some preachers and teachers in the church make perfectly good points while using solely male pronouns during their exposition... There are, indeed, “hidden figures” in our...
02134 – We are God’s Choir
Sing, my tongue; sing, my hand;sing, my feet, my knee,my loins, mywhole body.Indeed I am His choir.
01833 – Submitting Ourselves as Instruments of Righteousness
I submit my tongue as an instrument of righteousness when I make it bless them that curse me and pray for them who persecute me, even though it "automatically" tends to strike and wound those who have wounded me. I submit my legs to God as instruments of righteousness...
00096 – Sacredness in Tears
There is sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love.