03874 – Racialization is Assimilation

Racialization is assimilation, which is not to be confused with self- actualization. Being beige, that is mixed race, black, brown, red, yellow or white is not something to aspire to. It’s not something that we are hardwired to do. We are not born with it. We are told...

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03870 – Dear Christian…

Dear Christian, The clearest picture of what we truly believe isn't revealed by our knowledge of Scripture or our theological arguments. The clearest, most vivid display of what we truly believe is revealed by how we treat other people. It is by our love or our lack...

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03808 – Race is a Category

Racialization is assimilation, which is not to be confused with self- actualization. Being beige, that is mixed race, black, brown, red, yellow or white is not something to aspire to. It’s not something that we are hardwired to do. We are not born with it. We are told...

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03794 – The Imago Dei, in Women & Men

When women are treated as equals in advancing the kingdom of God on this earth, we all flourish. The Imago Dei in the face of women is just as clear as the Imago Dei in the face of men, and the fullness of God can be made known when we live and work together to bring...

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03637 – I Am Somebody!

While Christians espouse the view that we are all God’s children, too often we point to those who have gifts or talents we value. Saying that everyone is somebody is not comparable to giving everyone a trophy for merely existing but treating everyone as valuable...

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03239 – People are Sacred; Systems are Not

When you feel overwhelmed in exposing truth, remember this: people are sacred, created in the image of God. Systems are not. They are only worth the people in them and the people they serve. And people are to be treated, whether one or many, the way Jesus Christ...

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