03862 – The Radical Forgiveness of Jesus

Jesus's understanding of forgiveness was so radical because he did not need people to repent before he accepted them. He did not require a change in behavior before he loved, respected, and related to them. Yet, it was precisely this unconditional love and forgiveness...

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03534 – False Self vs. True Self

Our false selves counsel us to hide our true selves behind our performance, our caring for others, our intellectualism, our social savvy, our finances, our articulate presentations, our religiosity, or our skepticism. But our true selves long to see and be seen, to...

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02431 – Unconditional Love Attracts

It is, I think, easy to underestimate the attracting power of unconditional love. But in the person of Jesus it was captivating to many people who lived when he lived, and has become the foundation for millions since… faithfulness in following Jesus’ call to...

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02374 – Anything…Teaching You…

Anything that annoys you is teaching you patience.Anyone who abandons you is teaching you how to stand up on your own two feet.Anything that angers you is teaching you forgiveness and compassion.Anything that has power over you is teaching you how to take your power...

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00218 – Radical Grace

I used to say that if I ever wrote a book, its title would be Nothing Truly Radical Happens After Age Six, Except Grace. Grace, that experience of unconditional love, breaks through the whole system and can change anything. All of Christian life could be described as...

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