04095 – Mary Magdalene Mattered

All four gospels witness to Mary Magdalene as the premier witness to the resurrection - alone or in a group, but in all cases named by name. . . All four gospels insist that when the other disciples are fleeing, Mary Magdalene stands firm. She does not run, she does...

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04057 – Education is…

Education is not memorizing that Hitler killed 6 million Jews. Education is understanding how millions of ordinary Germans were convinced that it was required. Education is learning how to spot the signs of history repeating itself.

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02974 – Do You Believe in Miracles?

Do you believe in miracles? Well, you should. In fact, life itself is a big miracle. There are so many things that are beyond our understanding. There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.

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02792 – Wake Up!

If one reaches the point where understanding fails,this is not a tragedy; it is simply a reminderto stop thinking and start looking.Perhaps there is nothing to figure out after all;perhaps we only need to wake up.

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02759 – Biblical Inerrancy: The Problem

The problem with biblical inerrancy is that it tends to dissolve on contact with what is in the Bible itself, thus propelling many devout young believers into unnecessary crises of faith. We need a more realistic understanding of the Bible. from After Evangelicalism

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