04117 – Why Do Christians Sing?

Why do Christians sing when they are together? The reason is, quite simply, because in singing together it is possible for them to speak and pray the same Word at the same time; in other words, because here they can unite in the Word. There should be singing, not only...

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03697 – The Real Joy of Marriage

But "by the cross, joy entered the whole world." Its presence is thus the real joy of marriage. It is the joyful certitude that the marriage vow, in the perspective of the eternal Kingdom, is not taken "until death parts," but until death unites us completely. from...

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01570 – Never Stop Loving!

I look around and see so much fear, people getting more and more comfortable with their hate, more at ease being mean, more united in their division. And I think, NO. Not me. I will not get lost in this fearful world. I will not play with bullies. I will continue to...

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