For faith is only real when there is obedience, never without, and faith only becomes faith in the act of obedience. Since, then, we cannot adequately speak of obedience as the consequence of faith, and since we must never forget the indissoluble unity of the two, we...
01170 – Welcoming All Peoples
The goal of God's act of grace in Christ is therefore unity among his creatures, a unity which, as this whole discussion has shown, is to become reality in the present in the community of those who acknowledge God's gracious lordship in Christ. If the universal scope...
00925 – Which Music/Worship Style Please God Most?
Which style of music pleases God the most? This basic question has generated innumerable different answers from sincere Christians. In the first 800 years after Christ, most worship music was simply unison melody. One day someone added a second part, and harmony...
00916 – Singing One Another’s Music
Maintaining unity among the diversity of the church’s membership requires that we defer to one another in love, being willing to sing one another’s music rather than insisting on the music we most enjoy. from Contemporary Worship Music: A Biblical Defense
00901 – Training the Congregation
Wisdom will be needed to encourage a congregation to be united over the music it uses. One result of the power of music is that people become deeply wedded to their personal preferences and find it difficult to recognize that the style of music is almost always a...
00889 – Musical Tastes & Diversity
The New Testament churches were made up of people of different ages, genders, races and socio-economic levels, who came together because of their common belief in Jesus. Christ gave them their identity and, consequently, their unity. In an era of marketing...
00875 – Olympic Music Brings Artistic Unity
Imagine the Olympic Games without music. Bleak. Recall moments of the Olympic Games with music—competition is transcended, common humanity and achievements are celebrated. I captured the following moment while watching 2004 Olympic Opening Ceremonies, televised from...
00802 – Participating in Pentecost
Pentecost is Babel turned right side up: all speech is unified because it is God, no longer people, who is building toward the heavens. The story of Pentecost goes further than its historical reality. It is also a parable that urges us into the knowledge that the...
00767 – Transforming the Will
The dedicated will must bit by bit take up, transform, and unify the dedicated body and mind, welding them into a single instrument devoted to the purposes of God.
00764 – Biblical Worship: Antidote to Individual Loneliness
Modern-day individualism has diminished and diluted the communal emphasis in Scripture. Piety has become compartmentalized, relegated to a private personal pocket of life. The result is a religious consumerism which describes worship as “attending the church of your...