We need a true national and global vision and the belief that we can do great things and embrace a wider range of human experience. We need a new deal, a new frontier, and great society. Tax breaks for the wealthy, white privilege, mass deportation, gun lust, fewer...
04197 – Blindness & Vision
The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.
03735 – I Go in Pilgrimage
I go in pilgrimageAcross an old fenced boundaryTo wildness without ageWhere, in their long dominion,The trees have been left free.They call the soil here “Eden”; slants and steepsHard to stand straight uponEven without a burden.No more a perfect garden,There’s an...
03692 – God’s Vision of Shalom
Our world is intended to reflect God's vision of Shalom, the beloved community, the peaceable realm, in which joy and laughter, love and harmony guide the affairs of persons and nations.
03595 – Embracing Grief & Mourning
We don't need to be joined at the head with a person experiencing grief; we need to be joined at the heart. The transformation of our culture into one that embraces grief and mourning as natural and necessary parts of human life is my vision. from Companioning the...
03470 – New, Spirit-Led Visions of Church are Emerging
We are entering a period of reformation in which the old understandings and assumptions about church are dying, and new, Spirit-led visions of church are emerging. from Where There is No Road at All
02992 – Don’t Let Go!
Don’t let go, not now, not yet, but hold on tight, for I think we have more of a bumpy ride to come. Hold on to the hand of the Spirit. Hold on to your faith in justice and compassion. Hold on to the vision which has guided you all these years. Don’t let go, for the...
02167 – Holding onto Hope Despite Disappointment
Reflecting...has led me to think that hope and disappointment are part of the same faith perspective. Without hope rooted in a vision of possibility, there would not be the experience of disappointment. As the saying goes, “Expect little, and you will be much less...
02094 – Loving the Entire World
While most of us are not yet prophets, we know the presence of a great love, a love that includes the entire world. Awakened by that love, we too are aggrieved in the face of human oppression. A voice within us calls out, “This is wrong and cannot stand.” We yearn for...
02032 – Christianity is about Transformation
Christianity is not about “right beliefs.” It is about a change of heart. It is about the transformation of ourselves at that deep level that shapes our vision,... our commitment,... and our values.