03431 – The Silence of the Men

I take so much delight in the silence of the men in the Christmas story. Zechariah can't speak. Joseph doesn't speak. While the words and emotions of Mary and Elizabeth are unapologetically centered. The sound of Advent is the voice of women.

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03152 – Listening for God’s Voice

Because of the gap between an infinite God and finite people, and because human beings are both willfully sinful and unconsciously misdirected, there is no perfect or risk-free method when humans listen for God’s voice. There is no foolproof formula, no guaranteed...

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02917 – The Greatest Evil

The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in...

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02559 – First Coming

He did not wait till the world was readytill men and nations were at peace.He came when the Heavens were unsteadyand prisoners cried out for release.He did not wait for the perfect time.He came when the need was deep and great.He dined with sinners in all their...

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02227 – Distinguishing Voices

For any of us feeling longing in Advent: Even though Jesus’ experience in the wilderness wasn’t easy—he fasted for forty days and forty nights and was confronted by the devil—the devil was not the only one he encountered there. The spirit sent Jesus into the...

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02217 – The Best Ideas Come from…

Don't confuse being a fast talker with being a deep thinker. Speaking quickly signals confidence, not complexity. Don't mistake volume for expertise. Speaking loudly reflects conviction, not credibility. Sometimes the best ideas come from the least assertive voice in...

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