02886 – Moral Imagination

We should acknowledge that moral imagination can rise above one’s culture but never transcend it completely. And we should honor the choice to be the one who does not wait for others but stands in the breach—or the choice to declare one’s own humanity in the face of a...

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02260 – God’s Divine Love

God does not give Divine Love except to people who really want this, choose this, and say "yes" to this. Divine Love is so pure that it never manipulates, shames, or forces itself on anyone. Love waits to be invited and desired, and only then rushes in.

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01377 – Waiting Among the Cornstalks

One evening soon after, Sandy and I fell into a conversation about...the crow in the tree. Sandy said, "You know what came to mind when I saw that crow perched over us? I thought of the Native American proberb about the eagle and the crow in each of us. The eagle...

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01302 – The World Waits for Your Light

Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break. And all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention. So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.

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00435 – God Laughs & Weeps with Us

The story of Jesus enables me to envision God as One who genuinely cares for each and all of us. In Jesus, God confronts the Darkness face to face, Incarnate, for our sake. Jesus is Light to the gentle face of God. The story of Jesus says that God laughs with us in...

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