02792 – Wake Up!

If one reaches the point where understanding fails,this is not a tragedy; it is simply a reminderto stop thinking and start looking.Perhaps there is nothing to figure out after all;perhaps we only need to wake up.

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02485 – W.W.J.T?

If you wake up at 3:00 in the morning, still angry about something you saw on social media, and if, in the heat of the moment, you reach for your smart phone, take off the safety, and switch the setting to all caps, stop and ask yourself: W.W.J.T? (“What would Jesus...

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02350 – Revolutionary Change

You can be shattered and then you can put yourself back together piece by piece. But what can happen over time is this: You wake up one day and realize that you have put yourself back together completely differently. That you are whole, finally, and strong--but you...

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01712 – Walking Mindfully

Whether we can wake up or not depends on whether we can walk mindfully on our Mother Earth. The future of all life, including our own, depends on our mindful steps. We have to hear the bells of mindfulness that are sounding all across our planet. We have to start...

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01703 – Persuasion is Required

At such a moment, hesitancy in speaking out faithfully on behalf of the good news of Jesus is inexcusable. There are...issues thrown at Christians today, and the world is both owed an answer and is actually waiting for the answer that only the church can give—even if...

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00265 – Morning Wake Up Call

Every morning when we wake up, we have twenty-four brand-new hours to live. What a precious gift! We have the capacity to live in a way that these twenty-four hour will bring peace, joy, and happiness to ourselves and others.

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